Bud's Age

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Kevin From England
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Bud's Age

Post by Kevin From England »

There seems to be a error in Bud's age. In the first season he mentions he is in fifth grade somewhere which I believe in USA is around ten or 11 years old.

Then in the fifth season he has his 18th birthday. Which is four years from the first season so he should be 15 or 16. ANyone else notice this mistake.

Also I have been wondering this for a while now.
What is the eposide where Als friend gets a sex change operation and plays American Foot ball. his name is chad or something and they wonder if Chad has changed since high school . Al says Chad never changes then Chad walks in the door after a sex change operation and says Hi remember me I am Chad.
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Re: Bud's Age

Post by Dr. Shoe »

You're talking about Dud Bowl 0910.

Check this out...Enigmas...perfect for the Bud's age observation..viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3995
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Re: Bud's Age

Post by marriedaniac »

Thad, not Chad.

I guess they made Bud younger than he was in season 1 due to DF looking younger than his age. I don't think his age was mentioned again until A Taxing Problem in season 4 when he said he was 15 (DF's real age at the time.)

And then he was 18 in season 6, and 20 the next year! :P
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Re: Bud's Age

Post by firstborntriplet »

Lol I thought the name was Dad.

Anyways it seems like Bud had a growth sprout during season 2 and 3 or something like that and he would not pass for 12 in Season 3. Also did anyone notice his voice was changing in season 2 or 3.

Or it could be a joke that AL and Peg don't know his real age.
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Re: Bud's Age

Post by marriedaniac »

firstborntriplet wrote: Anyways it seems like Bud had a growth sprout during season 2 and 3 or something like that and he would not pass for 12 in Season 3. Also did anyone notice his voice was changing in season 2 or 3.

Or it could be a joke that AL and Peg don't know his real age.
It could be! They forget his name half the time. :)
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