Married with Children... All Things Episodic


1112  -  LIVE NUDE PEG

"Raise the bimbo -- it's time to limbo!"  Jefferson
Rating: 9 out of 10
I really enjoyed this episode. The plot, which sucked, but you know MWC, they can take anything 
and make a stretch to make something funny, has Al staying at the Nudie Bar all the time trying 
to judge a contest.
Well, Peggy gets tired of this, and she dresses up real trampy like and calls herself Jasmine. 
Needless to say, Al was by far more then what someone would say "happy" when she shows up.
It even made him to happy, as he would have to go straight home seeing her.
"Hi Al."  Peggy
"No talking. Turned on. Need you now."  Al
Yeah. And you know, the non-funny thing because it was so usual, is when he finally realized it 
was Peg and the reaction he gave about it.
Yep, a good episode.

By Justice


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